unbanned melanin_xx.my account

unbanned melanin_xx.my account

hi chaturbate i'm writing on behalf of my account melanin_xx it has been banned since may 25th 2023, i have sent so many letters pleading for the site to give me a second chnace, this bann issue has not happen to me befor because i have always obey the rules and regulation of the site. until this one mistake please chaturbate i ask for a second chance. and i wont go against the rules again pleaseee

i like everything about the site and users

its sad the management dont want to see to my case and forgive me

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1 reply

They are flat out assholes & have no idea how to treat people, gutless wqonders hiding behind mediator profiles or what ever so you dont know who it is! I hate the site and the low lifes that work there and one day I will get my own back, I am very patient and they have done the wrong thing to me and you and many others, one day they will be taken down a peg or two!

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